Caring for God's Creation

State College Presbyterian Church wants to be a green church that cares for the environment, nurturing ecological appreciation both in our building and throughout our community. We are...
- an "Earth Care Congregation", which was originally certified in 2015 and must be renewed annually. with the Presbyterian Church (USA).
- a member of PA Interfaith Power & Light.
- a Centre County Green Business Partner by the Centre County Recycling & Refuse Authority, The Centre Region Council of Governments & State College Borough.
"What does God require of you but to do justice and to love kindness and to walk humbly with your God?" -Micah 6:8
Weatherization First is an outreach of PA Interfaith Power & Light. Low-income Centre County clients are eligible for weatherization work in their home. SCPC is forming teams, so that we can take on this work as we're able. Work may include additional insulation, weather stripping, caulking, wood-framed plastic “storm window” inserts.
What resources does it take to support your lifestyle? Complete an online quiz to find out your Ecological Footprint, discover your biggest areas of resource consumption, and learn what you can do to tread more lightly on the earth.
Centre County Recycling & Refuse offers numerous ways to recycle. Learn more about making your home greener and greener each day, in the ways you REDUCE first, and RECYCLE those things you are able.
Celebrate Advent in thoughtful and simpler ways, so that your giving and celebrating offers goodness to God's creation. Great ideas here.
Clean Energy Options is a clean wind and solar energy choice. You can check out the web site at or call at (888) 985-2612.
Imagine the conversation The Creator might have had with St. Francis on the subject of lawns. Now click here to "hear" it.
Weatherization First is an outreach of PA Interfaith Power & Light. Low-income Centre County clients are eligible for weatherization work in their home. SCPC is forming teams, so that we can take on this work as we're able. Work may include additional insulation, weather stripping, caulking, wood-framed plastic “storm window” inserts.
What resources does it take to support your lifestyle? Complete an online quiz to find out your Ecological Footprint, discover your biggest areas of resource consumption, and learn what you can do to tread more lightly on the earth.
Centre County Recycling & Refuse offers numerous ways to recycle. Learn more about making your home greener and greener each day, in the ways you REDUCE first, and RECYCLE those things you are able.
Celebrate Advent in thoughtful and simpler ways, so that your giving and celebrating offers goodness to God's creation. Great ideas here.
Clean Energy Options is a clean wind and solar energy choice. You can check out the web site at or call at (888) 985-2612.
Imagine the conversation The Creator might have had with St. Francis on the subject of lawns. Now click here to "hear" it.
Called to Care ~ For God's Earth
Home landscape Thoughts, by Chip Clark:
Typically, when many homes are built, the shrubs and trees are chosen for a neat appearance and minimum maintenance. However, they often quickly outgrow their spaces, and do not provide much to sustain the other members of God’s creation in terms of food and habitat.
What can you do? Plant Spring-blooming bulbs to add color to your landscape and provide nectar for pollinators emerging from a long winter’s sleep. Those altar flowers you took home can be planted in your home garden, and in the case of Easter lilies, may die back and rebloom in August!
Consider planting tree and shrubs which both you and animals will enjoy. Juneberry and Nanking Cherry are small trees with white blossoms in early May and tasty berries in June. Raspberries and currants make for good fresh eating as well as sauces and preserves. Strawberries, famous in those June Church socials, also make a great groundcover and can suppress weeds. Crabapples, also with showy blooms, have fruit that persists through the winter, which birds can enjoy in the Spring as well. Many fruit trees are beautiful in the home landscape, and though they take a little more care, are well worth the effort.
For ideas on what to plant in your corner of God’s creation, try visiting the following sites:
Pollinator plantings:
Fruits and Berries for Home Gardens:
Home landscape Thoughts, by Chip Clark:
Typically, when many homes are built, the shrubs and trees are chosen for a neat appearance and minimum maintenance. However, they often quickly outgrow their spaces, and do not provide much to sustain the other members of God’s creation in terms of food and habitat.
What can you do? Plant Spring-blooming bulbs to add color to your landscape and provide nectar for pollinators emerging from a long winter’s sleep. Those altar flowers you took home can be planted in your home garden, and in the case of Easter lilies, may die back and rebloom in August!
Consider planting tree and shrubs which both you and animals will enjoy. Juneberry and Nanking Cherry are small trees with white blossoms in early May and tasty berries in June. Raspberries and currants make for good fresh eating as well as sauces and preserves. Strawberries, famous in those June Church socials, also make a great groundcover and can suppress weeds. Crabapples, also with showy blooms, have fruit that persists through the winter, which birds can enjoy in the Spring as well. Many fruit trees are beautiful in the home landscape, and though they take a little more care, are well worth the effort.
For ideas on what to plant in your corner of God’s creation, try visiting the following sites:
Pollinator plantings:
Fruits and Berries for Home Gardens:
State College Presbyterian Church
132 West Beaver Avenue State College, PA 16801 Phone: 814-238-2422 Fax: 814-238-3524 email: [email protected] Program Year Sunday Worship In the Sanctuary at 9:30 am, followed by our Exploration Hour - face masks are optional Summer Sunday Worship (Memorial Day Weekend - Labor Day Weekend) TBD In the Sanctuary followed by Coffee Hour (outdoors as weather permits) - face masks are optional Live-Streamed Worship ~ An email is sent out on Saturdays (to those on our mailing list) with a link to our live-stream of the worship service on YouTube at 9:30 am on Sundays. If you would like to join our mailing list, please click here Stay and Play Preschool 814-237-1154 [email protected] Church Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Friday: 9:00 am - noon |