
Communion or the Lord’s Supper is one of two sacraments that Presbyterians celebrate in conjunction with the rest of Christendom. As Presbyterians partake of the bread and the cup of the sacrament, they acknowledge the very real spiritual presence of Christ in the elements. We celebrate the Good News of the Gospel that Christ died on the cross for our sins and rose from the dead for our salvation in our participation in the Lord’s Supper. We do this at State College Presbyterian Church throughout the year to acknowledge our faith, to remember and express our gratitude for Christ’s sacrifice for us, and to strengthen the ties of our Christian community as we share this feast with one another.
Presbyterians practice open communion. That is, all those who have been baptized, whether members of the Presbyterian Church or not, are invited to participate. Baptized children may participate if their parents have instructed them in the practice and believe they are ready to partake. When the service is by intinction, the ushers will indicate when it is time for the congregation to come forward, row by row, by the side aisles to receive the elements. Each person should take the bread (now gluten-free rice crackers) and dip it into the chalice of grape juice before eating. Then return to their seat by the center aisle. Those who prefer not to use the cracker and chalice may remain seated and an Elder will serve them in the pew. When the service is in the pews, the elders will pass first the bread and then the cup. Hold the element until all have been served and the officiating minister gives the signal to eat or drink, so that all may commune together, expressing the unity of Christ. There are cup-holders in the back of the pew in front of you to hold the cup after you have partaken.
In the Presbyterian Church, a minister of the Word and Sacrament presides over the sacrament, assisted by ordained officers of the church, elders and deacons. Preparation of the elements of the Lord’s Supper is under the direction of the Worship Ministry Unit. The currently serving elders, in a rotation provided by the Worship Ministry Unit, assist the ministers in the communion. A member of the congregation, usually a serving elder, also assists at baptism. Presbyterian elders are responsible for the mission and government of the congregation. As such, it is their task to provide for the worship of the people of God, including the observance of the sacraments.
Presbyterians practice open communion. That is, all those who have been baptized, whether members of the Presbyterian Church or not, are invited to participate. Baptized children may participate if their parents have instructed them in the practice and believe they are ready to partake. When the service is by intinction, the ushers will indicate when it is time for the congregation to come forward, row by row, by the side aisles to receive the elements. Each person should take the bread (now gluten-free rice crackers) and dip it into the chalice of grape juice before eating. Then return to their seat by the center aisle. Those who prefer not to use the cracker and chalice may remain seated and an Elder will serve them in the pew. When the service is in the pews, the elders will pass first the bread and then the cup. Hold the element until all have been served and the officiating minister gives the signal to eat or drink, so that all may commune together, expressing the unity of Christ. There are cup-holders in the back of the pew in front of you to hold the cup after you have partaken.
In the Presbyterian Church, a minister of the Word and Sacrament presides over the sacrament, assisted by ordained officers of the church, elders and deacons. Preparation of the elements of the Lord’s Supper is under the direction of the Worship Ministry Unit. The currently serving elders, in a rotation provided by the Worship Ministry Unit, assist the ministers in the communion. A member of the congregation, usually a serving elder, also assists at baptism. Presbyterian elders are responsible for the mission and government of the congregation. As such, it is their task to provide for the worship of the people of God, including the observance of the sacraments.
Celebrating the Lord’s Supper at Home
While we have transitioned to a normal in-person worship schedule, we realize that not everyone will be comfortable participating in person. When communion is served during the live-stream of the worship service, we encourage you to participate in communion at home. Prior to viewing the service and the celebration of the Lord’s Supper, you may prepare bread and cup (grape juice or wine) so that you will be ready to eat and drink following the words of institution. May you experience the fullness of Christ’s blessing as we eat and drink together, whether you are physically in the sanctuary or at home. |
2025 Communion Observances
January 5, 2025 – Epiphany February 2, 2025 March 2, 2025 March 5, 2025 (Ash Wednesday) April 6, 2025 (Maundy Thursday) April 17, 2025 April 20, 2025 (Easter sunrise) May 4, 2025 June 1, 2025 July 6, 2025 August 3, 2025 October 5, 2025 (Worldwide Communion) November2, 2025 December 7, 2025 December 24, 2025 – Christmas Eve 11:00 pm service January 4, 2026 (Epiphany) Currently the elders are serving communion by invitation to the table with an option for tray service in the pews. All "bread" is now gluten-free. For more information about communion, please contact Pastor Scott Hoffman (814-238-2422). |
State College Presbyterian Church
132 West Beaver Avenue State College, PA 16801 Phone: 814-238-2422 Fax: 814-238-3524 email: [email protected] Program Year Sunday Worship In the Sanctuary at 9:30 am, followed by our Exploration Hour - face masks are optional Summer Sunday Worship (Memorial Day Weekend - Labor Day Weekend) TBD In the Sanctuary followed by Coffee Hour (outdoors as weather permits) - face masks are optional Live-Streamed Worship ~ An email is sent out on Saturdays (to those on our mailing list) with a link to our live-stream of the worship service on YouTube at 9:30 am on Sundays. If you would like to join our mailing list, please click here Stay and Play Preschool 814-237-1154 [email protected] Church Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Friday: 9:00 am - noon |