The Deacons
The Board of Deacons, or Deacons, serves through witnessing, service, and sympathy, modeling after Christ. The Deacons are staffed by the Pastor and assisted by our Associate in Ministry. The board includes up to 38 members, up to 37 regular members, and one or more youth members. The board meets monthly, except for the summer break (July and August).
There are three ministry units: Caregiving, Mission, and Service. The Caregiving unit is responsible for congregational care, including providing meals for members who need assistance due to illness, births, accidents, and other situations. They also provide luncheons and a quiet room with nutritional snacks for college-age students to study during semester finals weeks. For members who are homebound or cannot attend services, this group provides cards of encouragement. They also provide rides to and from church for those unable to drive. A key mission of this group is to provide constant support to our church members who are in the hospital.
The Mission unit provides more general support and care to our church and local community. They are committed to supporting the local Food Bank, CROP Walk, Habitat for Humanity, ARC of Centre County, Centre Volunteers in Medicine, and Interfaith Mission. Two important fundraisers are the annual SERRV Sale and the One Great Hour of Sharing Auction and Dinner. The Deacons also coordinate the annual Christmas Dinner – which feeds nearly 350 people.
The Service unit provides support and service through special projects like the Palm Sunday Breakfast and One Great Hour of Sharing Auction and Dinner and church picnics.
The Deacons are represented on the Congregational Fellowship Committee along with a currently serving Elder. The Congregational Fellowship Committee is responsible for the Sunday morning coffee fellowship time, and congregational fellowship activities. Deacons also provide much-needed financial support to various projects and organizations, such as the LOGOS and Krislund Camp scholarships, church upgrades (ice machine, power washer, and Tower Room), Mission Trips such as the Hurricane Katrina Rebuilding trips, and the Pastor’s Discretionary Fund.
Click here to learn more about Deacons' activities
There are three ministry units: Caregiving, Mission, and Service. The Caregiving unit is responsible for congregational care, including providing meals for members who need assistance due to illness, births, accidents, and other situations. They also provide luncheons and a quiet room with nutritional snacks for college-age students to study during semester finals weeks. For members who are homebound or cannot attend services, this group provides cards of encouragement. They also provide rides to and from church for those unable to drive. A key mission of this group is to provide constant support to our church members who are in the hospital.
The Mission unit provides more general support and care to our church and local community. They are committed to supporting the local Food Bank, CROP Walk, Habitat for Humanity, ARC of Centre County, Centre Volunteers in Medicine, and Interfaith Mission. Two important fundraisers are the annual SERRV Sale and the One Great Hour of Sharing Auction and Dinner. The Deacons also coordinate the annual Christmas Dinner – which feeds nearly 350 people.
The Service unit provides support and service through special projects like the Palm Sunday Breakfast and One Great Hour of Sharing Auction and Dinner and church picnics.
The Deacons are represented on the Congregational Fellowship Committee along with a currently serving Elder. The Congregational Fellowship Committee is responsible for the Sunday morning coffee fellowship time, and congregational fellowship activities. Deacons also provide much-needed financial support to various projects and organizations, such as the LOGOS and Krislund Camp scholarships, church upgrades (ice machine, power washer, and Tower Room), Mission Trips such as the Hurricane Katrina Rebuilding trips, and the Pastor’s Discretionary Fund.
Click here to learn more about Deacons' activities
2024 Deacons:
Sharon Ambrose Scott Banfield - Treasurer Miguel Cruden Curt Dell - Vice Moderator Nancy Dreschel Bruce Grinder Kiwon Jung Sharon Manno - Secretary Tracy Massaglia - Moderator Rhett McLaren Juli Mortimore Katie Nurmi Melissa Pike Liane Roe Jillian Rounsville (Youth Deacon) Marti Sawyer Jon Schwantes Mary Ann Sesler Phil Spangler Leslie Stafford Katie Stone Becky Thomas Margaret VanFossan Melanie Wassom |
The Visitation DeaconsAn additional Board was added to our structure in 1993 for a ministry of visitation. Visitation Deacons are members of the congregation who are specifically ordained and installed to call on shut-ins. Every month each Visitation Deacon visits one or more of our members who are confined to their homes, living in retirement communities or nursing homes, or limited in their ability to be a physical part of the life of the congregation.
2024 Visitation Deacons: Nikki Blake Molly Buchanan Carol Graham Mary Jane Kistler Bill Lukens Linda Morrow Mimi St. Clair Carolyn Tothero Anita Thies - chair |
State College Presbyterian Church
132 West Beaver Avenue State College, PA 16801 Phone: 814-238-2422 Fax: 814-238-3524 email: [email protected] Program Year Sunday Worship In the Sanctuary at 9:30 am, followed by our Exploration Hour - face masks are optional Summer Sunday Worship (Memorial Day Weekend - Labor Day Weekend) TBD In the Sanctuary followed by Coffee Hour (outdoors as weather permits) - face masks are optional Live-Streamed Worship ~ An email is sent out on Saturdays (to those on our mailing list) with a link to our live-stream of the worship service on YouTube at 9:30 am on Sundays. If you would like to join our mailing list, please click here Stay and Play Preschool 814-237-1154 [email protected] Church Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Friday: 9:00 am - noon |