Financial Affairs Committee
This committee, (which includes Stewardship) is responsible, under the direction of Session, for all the business and financial affairs of the church, including the recommendation of policies, development of procedures, and oversight of staff relating to those areas.
Its functions are:
STAFF FOR THE MINISTRY: Financial Administrator and Pastor
The Stewardship Committee carries out the corporate function of the church. The chairperson serves as President of the Corporation, of which all Session members are Trustees.
Stewardship Committee:
Current chair of Financial Affairs/Stewardship: Jason Stimmel
Its functions are:
- To oversee the counting, recording, and depositing of all monies received by the church
To receive and sell securities contributed to the church
To maintain accurate records of all contributions
To provide donors with the appropriate record of their contributions - To invest available funds in minimum risk, interest bearing instruments
- To approve all requests for payment
To ensure that all properly approved invoices are paid
To ensure prompt payment of salaries, including deduction and payment of withholding taxes and social security taxes - To ensure that accurate books of account reflecting all receipts and disbursements are maintained
To provide and interpret monthly reports of fund balances, income and expenditures to Session
To cooperate with the Internal Audit Committee of the Congregation in their work - To assemble and present to Session by September of each year a Goal Budget for the Stewardship Campaign, based on input from all Ministries and staff
To present to Session in December of each year a final Operating Budget based on the Goal Budget and the Stewardship Ministry's estimate of giving for the budget year - To be responsible for all the financial affairs related to the 1994-95 Capital Project, including prompt payment of the mortgage and investment of funds. Quarterly Building Financial Reports will be presented to Session and an Annual Building Financial Report to the Congregation
- To maintain adequate insurance coverage, including current inventory of all assets
To keep and protect all legal documents, corporation papers, contracts and other effects of legal worth - To be responsible for the business affairs of the church including, but not limited to, purchasing procedures, office equipment and computers
- To oversee the work of the Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer
STAFF FOR THE MINISTRY: Financial Administrator and Pastor
The Stewardship Committee carries out the corporate function of the church. The chairperson serves as President of the Corporation, of which all Session members are Trustees.
Stewardship Committee:
- Develop and maintain a year-round Stewardship Program in the church, including such activities as: encouraging good patterns of stewardship among officers and members of the church, recognizing that stewardship involves not only treasure but also time and talent; planning and conducting the fall stewardship emphasis in the church, including the securing of pledges; and keeping the congregation informed regarding financial matters and needs, in cooperation with the Church Treasurer and Finance Ministry
- Provide to the Finance Ministry Unit, by the first week in December, an estimate of giving for the following year
- Oversee each year's special offerings such as One Great Hour of Sharing, Harvest Home, and Christmas Offering implemented by various other Ministry Units; and serve as clearing house for all fund raising appeals by organizations and groups in the church
- Encourage giving in addition to the annual operating campaign, including, but not limited to: wills, endowments, capital funds, building fund
Current chair of Financial Affairs/Stewardship: Jason Stimmel
State College Presbyterian Church
132 West Beaver Avenue State College, PA 16801 Phone: 814-238-2422 Fax: 814-238-3524 email: [email protected] Program Year Sunday Worship In the Sanctuary at 9:30 am, followed by our Exploration Hour - face masks are optional Summer Sunday Worship (Memorial Day Weekend - Labor Day Weekend) TBD In the Sanctuary followed by Coffee Hour (outdoors as weather permits) - face masks are optional Live-Streamed Worship ~ An email is sent out on Saturdays (to those on our mailing list) with a link to our live-stream of the worship service on YouTube at 9:30 am on Sundays. If you would like to join our mailing list, please click here Stay and Play Preschool 814-237-1154 [email protected] Church Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Friday: 9:00 am - noon |